Friday, March 23, 2007

Compairing Modern and Post Modern Architecture

Although most people have a general understanding of architecture and types of styles, many do not know specific movements. In my opinion, Modern and Post Modern movements are very important and interesting because they contrast so heavily even though post modern was right after the modern style. Although people have probably seen both types of architecture, many do not know how to catorize them even with their stark differences. Modernism was based on a simple, elegant design that did not disrupt the environment while post modernism used bright materials and interesting shapes to draw attention to itself. Since the styles were so radical for their time periods, it is nessisary to break them down into what created them and how they grew to global proportions. This museum more importantly will reflect how society changed during those years and the ties that art and architecture share. It also has the potential to inspire young architects to create a new style from two old types of design.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

MoMA Critique

I visited the Museum of Modern Art in New York City over spring break and found the building quite modern which portrayed what was inside the musuem accuately. The exhibit that i wanted to see most was the Architecture and Design portion where works from Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, Rem Koolhaas and other famous architects were located. Not only did this exhibit show architecture, but it shows various types of design from chairs to cars to forks. The mechanical objects were interesting to see in a museum such as this because many people do not see these as typical design features. A very unique artifact was the helicopter that hung from the ceiling because viewers could see it from the first floor. The Museum also broke down types of design into time periods which created a more systimatic path for viewers. Another positive aspect were the television screens that showed the development of a site to serve a better purpose. This involved the viewers into the exhibit with audio and visual aspects.
There were only a few negative aspects of MoMA. The major aspect was that the design artifacts were not catorigized into types of design. This created an overwhelming expirence of seeing a lot of different items such as cars and forks relatively close to each other. There also could have been more interactive exhibits which showed how design helps the community. Although it had some weaknesses, the musuem did an accurate job depicting how design influences so many different areas of culture.